Lorenzo Sfarra Apps

FCM Italia Mobile 1.1.0
Lorenzo Sfarra
Applicazione ufficiale per FCM Italia, ilgruppo di traduzione della nota rivista in lingua inglese "FullCircle Magazine" a diffusione mondiale, desidera offrire ai suoilettori uno strumento che permetta la lettura del magazine incompleta mobilità e senza dipendere da pc e connessioni casalinghe.Semplice ma professionale, questa applicazione permette ailettori che usano tablet o smartphone di poter leggere la nostrarivista senza problemi e con estrema facilità.Per ulteriori informazioni visita la pagina http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Fcm/Android .
Friends Monitor 0.9.12
Lorenzo Sfarra
IMPORTANT - PLEASE NOTE: since 30thAprilFacebook changed its APIs and the behavior of the app haschanged:an app can now only get the list of friends _also using theapp_.Facebook confirmed that this behavior is "by design" andprepared aFAQ about it: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/faq#friends_list.Its main aim is to notify you when your Facebook friendsbecomeavailable to chat and collect this type of information tocreatestatistics. You can select the friends you want to monitor,andclassify them between 3 "categories of importance" (high,medium,low).No data will be published on Facebook or notified to themonitoredfriends.NOTE: the statistics system is currently under heavydevelopment,not finished and not stable.Like the "Friends Monitor" page on Facebook to follow allthenews and to eventually report problems!
The Happiness Diary 0.9.7
Lorenzo Sfarra
The Happiness Diary will help you tounderstandhow your life is going, to remember past events and tocheckincredibly useful statistics based on these data.Have you ever asked yourself "Which is the best day ofthismonth? And of this year?" or you want to check if you arehappierin the morning (school/work), in the evening (at home?) orin thenight (having fun with friend)? Are you happier in the weekend orduring the week?What is the friend that is with you in your mostbeautifulevents?You can answer to all of this questions with a catchy look systemofgraphs and stats.More, the happiness diary builds a graph or yourhappinessrelated to a given period of time, and make a comparisonwith thesame period in the past (for example, this week and thepast week).In this way, you can check if you had more happy eventsthe pastweek or this week, and consequently study what you did tobe morehappy, with which firends, where, etc...to improve yourlife!The final target is to build THE HAPPINESSMAP(http://www.happiness-diary.com/map/ - under construction butit'salready receiving real-time updates from the app!), thatappliesthe same concept of graphs and statistics based on the datasentfrom all over the world. Please refer to the officialwebsitehttp://www.happiness-diary.com/ for additionalinformations!** NOTE **: The app sends completely anonymous data to theserverhttp://www.happiness-diary.com/ to build an happinessmapcontaining the score and the position of the event.Please also note that _nothing_ will be shared, even if youperformthe login on Facebook!PLEASE also note that the app is pretty new and suffers ofsomebugs. Reports are welcome.